Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Two foolproof methods for cooking rice that's tender and fluffy

Two foolproof methods for cooking rice that's tender and fluffy every time

With so many convenience foods available at the supermarket, many people have become a little rusty on basic cooking techniques. Cooking rice is a case in point. At the grocery, I was astonished to find cooked rice and veggies in the freezer aisle, all bagged up, with a cheery label declaring, ready in 4 minutes! Of course, there are also cartons of fried rice in a variety of flavors and meats, which look just like a Chinese take-out carton. Nuke and serve.

So what was I doing, perusing these aisles of convenience foods? Why I was looking for my nuke and serve lasagna hey, I was short on time! The problem is, we're all short on time, but with rising food costs, some dishes are best made from scratch with some of our handy kitchen appliances. Some of the convenience foods aren't worth the hefty price. Cooking rice is a case in point.

Some cooks scoff at the idea of making a large batch of rice and freezing portions for future meals. It's so quick to cook rice, why bother?, is what I usually hear. However, I beg to differ. Why should I spend time making four batches of rice, on four separate occasions, with four separate cleanups, when I can be done with it in one effort? Rice freezes well, so keep that little tip in mind. When you're in a hurry, it's much easier to get a bag out of the freezer and steam it in the microwave than it is to start from scratch. After all, that's what those pricey food manufacturers are trying to sell: saving you the time and effort of cooking rice!

So, here are our two methods of cooking rice that's nice and fluffy and never sticky.

1.If you don't have a rice and vegetable steamer, you really should consider getting one. This handy appliance is inexpensive, easy to clean, doesn't need watching and ensures that you get the maximum nutritive value out of the rice. They come in several sizes, ranging in price from about $10-20. A typical unit has the motor on the bottom, with a cook-and-serve bowl which fits into a lip which sits on top. You measure the amount of rice you want, add the water, put the lid on and turn the timer on. Each machine specifies the rice to water ratio, as well as cooking times, not only for cooking rice, but for at least a dozen different veggies. You can also dissolve a chicken or beef bouillon cube in the water before adding to the bowl. Add a little parsley or herbs Chinese Five Spice adds a wonderful fragrance.

2.Our second recommended method of cooking rice requires a 3-quart microwaveable bowl to yield 5 cups of cooked rice. Measure 2 cups of rice into the bowl, add 5 cups of water (flavored with bouillon as you wish) and a teaspoon of salt. Stir the salt throughout the rice. Microwave for 13 minutes at power level 6 (based on an 1100-watt oven). There should still be water in the bowl. Continue microwaving in 3 minute increments, at power level 4. When the rice is done, and no water remains, it's done. Fluff it up with a fork and cover with plastic wrap. Let it steam on the counter for about 30 minutes. It should be perfect.

Follow these guidelines for a fool proof and consistent result every time. Cooking rice is easy!

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