Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Get Organized with Cork Bulletin Boards

In this high-tech modern age, it seems that everyone uses digital methods of keeping track of important information. We have smartphones to manage the names and addresses of our contacts, and virtual calendars to manage our busy schedules. When we need to jot down a memo, we don't actually reach for a pen and paper. Instead, we're more likely to tap the info into our cell phones for future reference. It's enough to make one long for the simplicity of cork bulletin boards!

Personally, I like cork bulletin boards because they allow me to see everything at a single glance. I can pin up all kinds of documents, memos, and schedules, and not have to navigate through a hundred different screens in order to find what I'm looking for. That's why I have several cork bulletin boards around my home and office. They look a bit old school for sure, but they certainly make my life easier.

At home, I have cork bulletin boards in the kitchen and the kids' bedrooms. The kitchen board is a general family board, where we post our weekly schedules so everyone will know where everyone else is at (or is supposed to be) on any given day. For example, all of my son's soccer practices for the upcoming week are listed there, as well as my daughter's swimming lessons. Whenever I know I'm going to have a late night at the office, I make sure I post it so everyone else can see.

The cork bulletin boards in the kids' rooms are used for school-related notices. We post due dates for homework and major projects, as well as test dates, holidays, parent-teacher conferences, plays, recitals, and more. This not only helps the kids manage their assignments, but also allows me to stay on top of their due dates so I can monitor their progress and make sure they're getting their work done in a timely fashion.

I have a similar cork bulletin boards set up in my office to track deadlines, important meetings, and upcoming business trips. This is also provides my coworkers with a convenient way to track my schedule, without the hassle of passwords or synching up devices in order to schedule a conference or meeting.

I was able to buy all these cork bulletin boards online from an office supply website that carried a huge selection of these products. They had lots of different sizes and styles, which allowed me to choose exactly what I wanted. And of course these aren't exactly expensive items, so cost wasn't an issue at all.

I know it's hard to imagine yourself breaking away from depending on a cell phone to manage all your data, but I recommend giving cork bulletin boards a try. I remember how utterly refreshing it was when I first switched over, and I'm confident you'll end up feeling the same way!

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