Thursday, July 30, 2015

Dry Erase Boards for Home or Office

I've been homeschooling my kids for three years now. At first, I was worried about how well I'd be able to prepare myself for each subject and how well I'd be able to teach, but I got the hang of those things fairly quickly. After all, second grade arithmetic is a far cry from calculus, so I've been ok in that respect. In fact, one of my biggest challenges is making sure I have the right materials and equipment on hand to facilitate learning. You might think that fancy laptops and other high-tech devices would be necessary, but I've found that a simple dry erase board is the best tool I have.

Dry erase boards are great accessories for any home or office where conveying information is important. Unlike the old-fashioned chalk variety, dry erase boards are not messy at all. There's no chalk dust to deal with, you don't have to bang the erasers together to get them to work, and your hands don't get gritty and dirty from the markers. Plus, the writing surface is always smooth and perfect, and there's no need to worry about that awful sound of fingernails screeching down a chalkboard.

I bought three dry erase boards to use during my homeschooling efforts. There's a large one that I use for writing out examples when I'm teaching, and then each of my kids has his own smaller dry erase board to write out answers, copy sentences, and so forth. This greatly reduces the amount of paper we use, and is a lot easier on the environment as well.

Offices can make great use of dry erase boards as well. I know that when I was working full-time, we had a dry erase board in every conference room. These were top-end models that had a scrolling surface for continuous writing, and had a printing mechanism that could copy whatever was written and turn it into a physical document. I doubt that any home users would need something so elaborate, but I know this was a big hit with all the clients we had at our meetings.

This type of equipment can easily be found at any office supply store, or you can order online as well. There are all different sizes available, and you can get various easels and stands if you don't want to drill mounting holes into your walls. Markers can of course be ordered from anywhere too, and are not at all expensive when purchased by the box or carton.

Dry erase boards are terrific for a bunch of different applications, ranging from business meetings to homeschooling to memos. If you want a versatile piece of office equipment that's affordable and environmentally friendly, then order your own board today.

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