Friday, July 31, 2015

Staving off facial wrinkles the natural way

The last thing any woman wants to see in the mirror is facial wrinkles! Sure, you can't stop time, but then again, there's no reason to be aiding and abetting the onset of this natural aging process! With proper care for your skin, you can ward off all but the most insignificant facial wrinkles those called 'character lines' - well into your 40s. Let's go through the basic program and see how to retain a beautiful complexion longer.

At the heart of a smooth, wrinkle-free skin is a good dietary program. While you can pay hundreds of dollars for facial creams, if your diet is poor, you'll start spotting those dreaded facial wrinkles, sooner rather than later. Every woman who wants to look ten years younger needs her full complement of vitamins and minerals in her daily diet. Even if you think you eat well, it's hard to say, with the raft of genetically engineered foods, additives, hormones and preservatives, just what nutritive value is in the foods you eat. In addition, what the FDA says is 100% of an RDA is just not reliable.

People need more of certain nutrients at various stages of life. Take, for example, the teen who consumes a gallon of milk each day. Most adults couldn't drink that much, but kids whose bones are growing by leaps and bounds, need all of that calcium. On the other hand, as we age, certain nutrients, such as vitamin B-12, are not so readily absorbed as in our youth. This is why doctors sometimes recommend injections of vitamin B-12 for elderly patients who are chronically fatigued. You should ask your own doctor about the advisability of taking a multi-vitamin and mineral supplement.

So which nutrients are of particular benefit to your skin? To keep those facial wrinkles to a minimum, be sure to eat foods that are rich in vitamins A, C, E and zinc. Leafy green veggies, brightly colored produce, such as apples, oranges, bananas and yellow, orange and red bell peppers are loaded with these nutrients. Avocados are exceptionally high in vitamin E. All of these foods help promote healthy skin cells and a smooth complexion. Make a smoothie of strawberries, banana slices and orange juice for breakfast at least a few times a week. Avoid greasy, fatty foods. Use olive oil to cook as well as in salad dressings you'll be doing your heart a favor, too.

As for cleansing, use a hypoallergenic soap or lotion. Following a thorough rinse with warm water, close those pores with Witch Hazel and a cotton ball.

Regular moisturizing is an essential component in fighting off facial wrinkles. You really don't have to spend a fortune at the cosmetics counter. A $12 jar of face cream from the drugstore should last a couple of months, for day wear.

Your secret weapons, for night use, can be had from any health food store for just a few dollars each, which will last several months. A dime-sized dab of clear 100% aloe vera gel, applied after washing and left on overnight, softens your skin like you wouldn't believe. This is also a soothing remedy for a sunburn, healing the burned skin and taking the sting out. Now, about that avocado: once a week, make a paste of the meat of one small avocado and apply it to your face. This provides a direct hit of tons of vitamin E for your skin to soak up pronto. Vitamin E is a powerhouse when it comes to preventing facial wrinkles, especially recommended for you ladies over 30. If you're a teen, or still are lucky enough to tend towards oily skin, try sweet almond oil from the health food store. Sweet almond is much lighter than avocado oil.

For you ladies over 30, work in an exfoliant treatment once a week. A good exfoliant gets rid of dead skin cells, prevents blackheads and tightens your skin for a marvelously effective instant mini-lift. Then, moisturize. If you'll be out in the sun, always use an SPF30+ sunscreen. Sun damage is an invitation to dry, crepey skin and facial wrinkles to boot!

No matter what your age, it's never too late to start preventing or diminishing facial wrinkles. Just see how lovely you'll look!

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