Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Should you Buy From Online Computer Shops?

Buying a computer is not an easy task. Going into any of the big-box computer shops is like going into an alternate universe. Good luck finding a sales associate that can help you. And the rows and rows of computers are supposed to help you compare brands and prices, but all they end up doing is confusing me more. I have found that going to the store to buy a computer is not the ideal way to buy a computer. In fact, I don't even do it any longer. Now, I use only online computer shops to purchase my newest laptop or desktop.

Online computer shops are easier to compare features. As opposed to a couple of dozen of different models and makes, with all of the different features displayed, most online computer shops allow you to limit or expand the number of models you can compare while limiting the number of features to compare as well. For instance, you can limit your search to only those computers in a specific price range that also offer over 2 GB of RAM, and you can do this side by side. It streamlines the computer purchasing experience and helps cut away the distractions of traditional computer shops.

One of my favorite things about buying from online computer shops is the privacy. When I am searching the Internet for my newest laptop, I don't have to deal with the sales associates or even other customers. I feel like they are judging me and my ability to select and knowledge about different computers. I certainly am no expert, and I don't like how I am talked down to sometimes. From the privacy of my own home, I can take my time and don't feel any pressure.

Finally, online computer shops can yield some of the biggest bargains out there. Unlike other discount goods, discount computer shops don't offer the picked-over and undesirable computers. Instead, the turnover for computers are so quick, that perfectly good, new and up to date models are moved aside to make room for the even newer models. It is a competitive arms race between computer companies that mean that computers that are relatively out-dated to them are still equipped with the newest features the average computer user would want.

Buying from discount online computer shops makes the computer buying experience much better. It allows you to access more information in an easier manner. Online computer shops eliminate the pressure and time constraints, and discount online computer shops offer incredible bargains on new computers. I will never go into one of the big box computer shops again.

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