Friday, August 7, 2015

Early Signs of Pregnancy

In order to have a healthy baby and a safe delivery, good prenatal care is supremely important for expectant mothers. It's best to begin this special care under the supervision of a doctor as soon as possible once you know you're pregnant. Here are some early signs of pregnancy that could point to impending motherhood.

Of course, one of the earliest signs of pregnancy is a missed period. Even if you don't track your menstruation cycle to the day and mark your calendar, you should still have a rough idea of when your period should arrive. If you miss your period altogether, or if the flow is particularly light and only lasts for a short time, then this could indicate that you're pregnant. At this point, you can probably wait a few days, take a home test, and then follow up with a visit to your physician if the result is positive.

There are plenty of other ways to learn if you might be pregnant, because the body goes through so many vast changes. For instance, one of the signs of pregnancy that many women report in the early stages is fatigue. This is usually due to increased hormone production, particularly of progesterone, and can leave you feeling sluggish, tired, and ready for a nice long nap in the middle of the day.

Another of the most common signs of pregnancy is persistent nausea. This "morning sickness" is probably the symptom that women dread the most, as they have trouble keeping food down and succumb to frequent vomiting. This nausea can strike at any time of the day or night, and usually lasts through the first trimester. If you're suffering from morning sickness, your best bet would be to stick to bland food for the time being -- and get to a doctor right away to confirm that you're pregnant and start your prenatal regimen.

Other early signs of pregnancy include sudden mood swings, frequent urination, heightened breast sensitivity or enlargement, and feelings of stress. Of course, on their own, these symptoms might mean something else entirely (or even nothing at all), so instead of jumping to conclusions about what might be going on, you should definitely take a home test or see a gynecologist to get confirmation.

As you can see, one of the keys to detecting these signs of pregnancy is being in tune to your own body. It sounds strange to say it, but you'd be surprised at how many women can't remember the date of their last period or whether or not they're feeling more stressed than usual. But if you're sexually active, you should absolutely pay more attention to these things -- even if you're on birth control and think you have nothing to worry about.

The bottom line here is that if you start noticing one or more of these early signs of pregnancy, then get to your doctor as soon as you can. Regular prenatal care provided by a qualified health professional can help ensure a safe journey through all three trimesters, as well as a smooth delivery and a beautiful baby at the end of the road!

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